Crate vulkanalia

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Vulkan bindings for Rust.

For a detailed guide on how this crate (thinly) wraps the Vulkan API, see the API Concepts section of the Overview chapter of the vulkanalia Vulkan tutorial which can be found here.

For the classic triangle example, see here.

§Quick Tips
§1. Use builder structs, but don’t build them unless you need to!

vulkanalia’s implementation of Vulkan structs like vk::InstanceCreateInfo each have associated builder structs that make constructing instances of these structs simple ( vk::InstanceCreateInfoBuilder in this case).

You can call the build method on a builder struct to extract the Vulkan struct, but this discards valuable information! Builder structs are often parameterized with lifetimes that ensure that the values passed to the builder struct live at least as long as the builder struct itself.

Any Vulkan command in vulkanalia that takes a Vulkan struct like vk::InstanceCreateInfo as an argument can also accept the associated builder struct as an argument. This means you can skip those build calls and directly invoke Vulkan commands with your builder structs so that the lifetimes can protect you from an entire class of bugs.


let info = vk::InstanceCreateInfo::builder()
    .enabled_extension_names(&vec![/* 3 extension names */])

let instance = entry.create_instance(&info, None).unwrap();
// 💥: this will (hopefully) crash when the Vulkan implementation attempts
// to read a now deallocated list of extension names


let info = vk::InstanceCreateInfo::builder()
    .enabled_extension_names(&vec![/* 3 extension names */]);
    // Look ma, no `build`!

let instance = entry.create_instance(&info, None).unwrap();
// 🦀: this will raise an error at compiletime about how the reference to
// the temporary list of extension names doesn't live long enough




Type Aliases§

  • The result of a executing a fallible Vulkan command.
  • The result of a executing a fallible Vulkan command with multiple success codes.